Hello, I’m Lina. And this is my personal research journal

My research journal

Graduated and valedictorian from the Political Sciences Institute (Sciences Po) Grenoble – specialized in MENA region – I defended my Master thesis about “French-Kuwaiti bilateral trade and intercultural negotiation process : The role of Arabic language”.

This much sought-after Master degree offers a great knowledge and high standards MENA analysis, including geopolitical approach, economics, culture & sociology, religion & languages, conflicts & peacebuilding process, but also Gender & Diversity.
I further developed and perfected my geopolitical analysis skills and became an analyst.
Passionate about international framework, I am developing strong communication and adaptation skills & widening a network of professional contacts.
With a Degree in foreign languages, I’m a trilingual translator : English, Arabic & French.
I am happy to pursue an international work experience. Looking for new challenges and starving to deepen my knowledge of the MENA region.

Lina Ounissi

Trilingual Translator

French, English, Arabic

Qualitative Analyst

NVivo 12 Pro Certification


Social Networks, WordPress, Workshops

Available upon request